My first project for this KAL has been a WIP since January, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've designed this myself, and so there has been a lot of trial and error. And I still need to fiddle to get the sleeve length right. This sweater is for my husband, and I've used schematic for a similarly shaped sweater from an old VK issue (the men's issue with Kaffe Fassett on the cover) to help me with the measurements. That has worked out well, except that it asks for a 20-inch sleeve. The sleeve in this picture is 17 inches, and so I may need to make it longer. But it shouldn't take more than a few weeks for it to be done, and I can start a cable sweater from scratch for me.
love your choice of braided cables and rope cables. Love the color too.
(and your name, I'm a Marjorie too, IRL, just use Marji online)
Wow, that's fantastic! Can't wait to see it finished!
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